At a time when we already see August in the rear-view mirror, it’s now time to get back to work with redoubled energy and extra motivation.
It was a long and well-deserved rest for all of us, but now it feels good to see these familiar faces all over again, although everyone a little more tanned.
We can say that we entered the holiday on the right foot, with a great conviviality where good mood, good food and good music were kings. Quinta da Júlia dos Ovos was the place chosen to receive the PP&A team for this long lunch that sometimes was confused with a talent contest (San Bernardo Got Talent).
Our employees surely shinned on stage, some on the microphone, others through imaginary instruments, always well followed by the others on the dance floor, who brilliantly showed their skills, sometimes with classical dance moves, sometimes in contemporary dance moves, but one thing is certain, always with great style!
It’s been three weeks since then, and after thousands of saltwater dives and scorching sunbaths, we’ve returned to our preferred beach. We return to what we do best, with the creativity, innovation and design that characterize us, in order to continue to serve you with the excellent quality to which we have always accustomed you.
At your disposal on the usual channels.
Text written by Fábio Caldas