Design Marcia Brilha

How important is the product development and the launch of a new collection.

The launch of a new collection is the focus of every designer who works in the ceramic industry. It demands traits such as organization, teamwork, innovation, creativity, and wit to achieve the different levels of interdisciplinarity present in design.

The key goal is to play an active and interventive role in the productive industry facing the actual market reality.

The first step for the development of a collection is choosing the theme, inspiration can come when we least expect.

The “Sea” was the theme chosen this year. The sustainability of the oceans was the push we needed get inspiration from this natural resource. We started with an intensive research on this topic and all the questions that surround it. The first sketches give life to shapes, forms and decorations, at the same time glazes are also studied. The combination of all these elements lead us to a harmonious piece of design that is considered many times as a unique piece, in which the work of creation and production has a high manual component that make our products so different form the competition.

Each collection is inspired in one of the elements that surrounds the main theme. We designers, try to transpose to the ceramic object each emotion from the elements and with the company spirit.

Product development is a work we make with passion, and so much can be told about it.

Our industry presents a constant challenge and a learning process that has no end, because the “ceramic body” is dressed in thousands and thousands of styles. Sometimes these “clothes” are worked in different ways, glazes, graphic patterns, and textures. All of this and the techniques we use, bring our products to life.

Design kiln

Many times, we start the day by open the kilns. That moment is always a big surprise for us, some days for the projects achieved others for the discovery of different effects with the most varied combinations of materials that lead us to innovation.

Our subconscious, when we develop a collection, has always present the markets and the clients we work with.


The launch of the 2021 collection was a great challenge in wich the main intention was to make our pieces known virtually, we are grateful that after that the commercial circuit started to flow so the production and distribution of it.

Text by Márcia Brilha
